The interdisciplinary, international MSM team supports companies in financing, development and change in their daily business. 

We combine professionalism and sustainability with an efficient, practice-oriented approach, thus achieving a highly attractive price/performance ratio. Our international team allows us to offer you our services in the following languages.

We speak German, English, Russian, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Turkish, Kurdish.

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We refer for the following topics, to the corresponding topic blogs of an independent law firm: KapitalmarktrechtDatenschutzrecht

>>>> We send our blog posts once a month. You can order our newsletter by e-mail (

Accounting & Taxes: 

Accounting, tax returns, budgeting / business planning, business valuation. We distinguish ourselves from generalists like Swiss “Treuhänder” and the German “Steuerberater” of comparable size and price range through consistent specialisation: each employee only works in the area of his or her competence. The cooperation with client can be arranged flexibly. We work with various cloud-based accounting systems. We take the time to understand the needs of our customers, so we can offer an optimal service. We do not accept auditing mandates for reasons of independence. 


Tailor-made fiduciary and fiduciary-like arrangements, as an neutral third party functions (e.g. escrow agent), interim solutions or increasing confidentiality. See menu item Total Solutions > Fiduciary .

HR & Insurance: 

Personnel administration, insurance consulting and mediation. Many years of specialised experience in payroll accounting, including complex remuneration systems, withholding tax and social security issues and the processing of salary payments. 

In the insurance sector, we work as a Finma-licensed insurance broker according to a fee model: Expenses are paid on an hourly rate; all commissions etc. of the insurance company are fully credited to the client. Thus we advise independently and the client is free to choose how much service they want to receive.

Legal advice: 

Legal work is undertaken by an independent law firm. Its lawyers are active in an advisory and forensic capacity in the important areas of Swiss and international business law. Many of our legal experts have not only completed the usual legal careers (practical experience in law firms and courts), but have also worked in other areas and functions in business. This enables them to be good for business. 

For further information please contact Jürg Martin.

Office Services:
  • Domicile and workplace in Winterthur and Zurich
  • Secretary’s office and customer reception
    Monday to Thursday 08:30 – 12:00 / 13:30 – 16:00 and Friday 08:30 – 12:00
  • Receiving and sending corresponadence (paper and electronic)
  • Telephone service with own number
  • Meeting room with presentation facilities
  • Kitchen, coffee and tea